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elnafieconsultancy > Publications

Consumer protection: new decision relating to the purchase of goods – February 2015

The Commercial Register - will that resolution really bind the company? – September 2014

Significant amendments to Oman's Commercial Agencies Law become effective in July 2014 by Sultani Decree 34/2014 – August 2014

Oman's Civil Code - it's impact on banking and finance transactions – January 2014

Oman's New Civil Code – October 2013

Taking Security in the Sultanate of Oman Part 3: Security over Land – January 2012

Taking Security in the Sultanate of Oman – Part 2: Receivables, Shares and Bank Accounts – September 2011

Taking Security in the Sultanate of Oman Part 1: Commercial Mortgage – March 2011

Rules of Commercial Agencies under Oman Law, a book published by Council of Scientific Publications at Sultan Qaboos University, 2011

Legal percussions of e-commerce contracts in relation to application of the Law of Income Tax on Companies, 2007

Role of judicial authority in enforcement of legal protection of trademarks under Oman law, 2007

Limits of liability of Marine Transporter under Oman law, 2007

Importance and effect of choice of applicable law application in International Arbitrations, 2007

Effects of development in legislation and technology relating to issue, registration and trading of shares, on the rules of banks' securities deposits, 2007

Effects of accession of the Sultanate of Oman to WTO on national legislations and national economy, 2007

Seller's liability in international sales contracts, 2006

Legal protection of cheques under Oman law, 2006

``Changing Face of Law, Study of latest changes in the Oman Penal Code and the Law of Criminal Procedure``, Oman Economic Review, 2005

``Commercial Companies Law``, Middle East Executive Reports (MEER), 2002

``Oman amends Companies Law``, MEER, 1996

``Expatriates Law in Oman``, MEER, 1995

``Oman Companies amendments``, MEER, 1994

``Oman's New Foreign Investment Procedures``, MEER, 1993

``Import to Oman by Non-Agents``, MEER, 1993

Various articles in Al Muqtasid magazine, Sudan